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130 EUR

130 EUR
Price per hour



Description of the vessel

The canal ride attracted tourists, as well as locals, and it was decided to look for additional help for the boat DARLING. A hull that would be appropriate in size for use in the canal was found on the Internet in the U.S. ELCO (Electric Launch, Inc.). It was transported to Riga in March of 2008, but was soon taken to the Oleri manor in Rūjiena, where in the workshop Green Feet (Zaļās pēdas) a body was built in accordance with the sketch of A. Čaunāns, author of the idea. The boat was given the name MARIA in honour of his daughter. The boat was adjusted to the safety requirements effective in Latvia and was registered in the Maritime Administration of Latvia.

MARIA is the smallest of the boats – its length is 9.4 metres.

Hull – in the U.S.(2007),
Cabin – in Latvia (2008)
Passengers: 8

Important to know
  • Voats Trip 1h.
  • Start of the trip at Bastejkalns boat dock.
  • Route Bastion Hill-Bastion Hill.
  • In the case of a non-standard route, there will be no discount.
  • If the trip takes more than 1 hour (1,5h, 2h), please contact info@rigabycanal.lv.
  • In case of bad weather, the boat may be cancelled or changed route.

Other boats available for rent

Sightseeing by canal boat

Call from 10:00 to 18:00 (Mon - Fri)
+371 25911523
© Riga by Canal