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210 EUR

210 EUR
Price per hour



Description of the vessel

When the idea and possibility of going around the Riga Canal and the River Daugava emerged, a search for a boat began. The author of the projects’ idea accidentally got a hold of an old postcard with a boat that was visually suitable for use in Riga: with a roof, closed part and an open part. The wooden fleet enthusiast Zigmārs Spunde found a similar boat on the Internet – it was the DARLING, located in Stockholm. When looking at the boat in Stockholm it was clear that it was going to be transported to Riga without knowing whether it will fit under the low bridges of the Riga Canal.

The previous owner of the boat was Lars Anderson, son of Stig Anderson, producer of the legendary Swedish band ABBA. Members of ABBA had relaxed on DARLING and had taken rides with it on Swedish waters. On 4 April 2007 DARLING was brought to Riga by ferry and was registered. The first rides on the Riga Canal and the River Daugava could be organised.

The boat DARLING is built in 1907 at the Engelbrecht Yacht Plant in Berlin, Germany. Power: 1 X 36.8. Speed: 6 knots.

Germany 1907
Passengers: 14

Important to know
  • Voats Trip 1h.
  • Start of the trip at Bastejkalns boat dock.
  • Route Bastion Hill-Bastion Hill.
  • In the case of a non-standard route, there will be no discount.
  • If the trip takes more than 1 hour (1,5h, 2h), please contact info@rigabycanal.lv.
  • In case of bad weather, the boat may be cancelled or changed route.

Other boats available for rent

Sightseeing by canal boat

Call from 10:00 to 18:00 (Mon - Fri)
+371 25911523
© Riga by Canal